
ALBERT MENES Foie Gras Sauce 180 g

1.280 kr.

Our foie gras sauce has been created with care in kitchens in the South West of France. The recipe contains no preservatives, and, where possible, is made from ingredients of French origin. The foie gras used in this sauce comes from farmhouse ducks in the South West of France that meet Label Rouge and PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) specifications. The high-quality ingredients, traditional know-how from the South West of France, and the slow cooking of this sauce makes it an incredible dish for those looking for something gourmet.

Albert Ménès is a French company recognized for its high quality standard since 1921: exceptional ability to combine ingredients, industrial developments and customer care. Albert Ménès is a leading fine food company, with a catalog of 400 authentic specialties, including spices, jams, and biscuits.

Hints: Our light and creamy "Foie Gras" sauce can be used on red meat as well as poultry: duck breast, capon, turkey stuffed with chestnuts, etc. Its delicate taste also goes well with quality seafood such as langoustine or scallops. This ready to use sauce should be warmed slowly in a pan and stirred gently, without letting it come to the boil. It can also be re-heated in a bain-marie.

Ingredients: duck gravy (water, glucose syrup, flavouring, salt, duck fat, aromatic herbs, dried tomato, sugar, dried duck meat, spices), duck foie gras (15%), white wine (contains sulphites), button mushrooms, fresh cream, onions, carrots, port, shallots, duck fat, wheat flour, sugar, starch, salt, pepper, aromatic herbs.

Average Delivery Time: 1-4 weeks.


: Albert MénèsSælkeravörur

Albert Ménès, Matvara, Sælkeravörur,

Sækja í búðina í Mýrargötu 18, 101 Reykjavík: 0 kr.

Frí heimsending á höfuðborgarsvæðinu (póstnr 101>225 /270/271/276) á pöntunum yfir 50.000 kr

Heimsending á höfuðborgarsvæðinu (póstnr 101>225 /270/271/276):
S (< 10kg ): 1.200 kr.
M (frá 10.1 til 20kg): 1.500 kr.
L (frá 20.1 til 50kg): 2.500 kr.
XL (> 50kg): 3.000 kr.

Heimsending utan höfuðborgarsvæðisins (póstnr 230>262 /300>902):
S (< 10kg ): 2.500 kr.
M (frá 10.1 til 20kg): 4.500 kr.
L (frá 20.1 til 50kg): 6.500 kr.
XL (> 50kg): 8.500 kr.

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