
ALBERT MENES Mexican Mix 60g

1.080 kr.

Our Mexican Mix is an exclusive and unique blend, created by our teams and developed using spices common in tex mex cuisine. It contains no artificial flavors, colorings or preservatives. This balanced and spicy blend is made up of paprika, cumin, hot pepper, coriander, onions, tomatoes, pepper, oregano, parsley and marjoram.

Albert Ménès is a French company recognized for its high quality standard since 1921: exceptional ability to combine ingredients, industrial developments and customer care. Albert Ménès is a leading fine food company, with a catalog of 400 authentic specialties, including spices, jams, and biscuits.

Hints: Our Mexican spice mix should be used during cooking to fully release all of its delicious flavors. Add this mix to vegetables, meat and grilled meat for a delicious tex mex dish. It can also be used to make marinades and guacamole and can be added to avocado toast.

Ingredients: paprika, cumin, hot pepper, coriander, onions, tomato, peppercorn, oregano, parsley, marjoram. MAY CONTAIN TRACES OF PEANUTS, SESAME, MUSTARD and CELERY.

Average Delivery Time: 1-4 weeks.


: Albert MénèsSælkeravörur

16 10 24, Albert Ménès, Matvara, Sælkeravörur,

Sækja í búðina í Mýrargötu 18, 101 Reykjavík: 0 kr.

Frí heimsending á höfuðborgarsvæðinu (póstnr 101>225 /270/271/276) á pöntunum yfir 50.000 kr

Heimsending á höfuðborgarsvæðinu (póstnr 101>225 /270/271/276):
S (< 10kg ): 1.200 kr.
M (frá 10.1 til 20kg): 1.500 kr.
L (frá 20.1 til 50kg): 2.500 kr.
XL (> 50kg): 3.000 kr.

Heimsending utan höfuðborgarsvæðisins (póstnr 230>262 /300>902):
S (< 10kg ): 2.500 kr.
M (frá 10.1 til 20kg): 4.500 kr.
L (frá 20.1 til 50kg): 6.500 kr.
XL (> 50kg): 8.500 kr.

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