
ALBERT MENES Organic Ground Cumin 35g

570 kr.

Fast Delivery. We strive to deliver the product as soon as possible. We have this item on our warehouse in Iceland, and we can deliver on 24 hours in the capital area, or we are shipping the same day if you live out of the capital area. There is no extra cost in the Fast Delivery Service.

The 35 g Organic Ground Cumin by La Caravane des Épices is organically grown and certified under IFS and Ecocert standards. Packaged in France, this product is made entirely from natural ingredients. Originally from the Mediterranean Basin, cumin has become an essential ingredient in cooking worldwide. The ancient world believed cumin had the power to chase away evil spells: the seeds watched over the tombs of the pharaohs in the Egyptian pyramids. The Romans had their slaves guard these precious seeds.

Albert Ménès is a French company recognized for its high quality standard since 1921: exceptional ability to combine ingredients, industrial developments and customer care. Albert Ménès is a leading fine food company, with a catalog of 400 authentic specialties, including spices, jams, and biscuits.

Hints: Cumin has a powerful, warm, lemony and slightly aniseed-scented aroma. It can be enjoyed in a chili con carne, an Indian curry, a lamb tagine or homemade bread. When ground, cumin can be easily added to sauces and spice mixes.

Ingredients: ground cumin Organically Grown product.

Sækja í búðina í Mýrargötu 18, 101 Reykjavík: 0 kr.

Frí heimsending á höfuðborgarsvæðinu (póstnr 101>225 /270/271/276) á pöntunum yfir 50.000 kr

Heimsending á höfuðborgarsvæðinu (póstnr 101>225 /270/271/276):
S (< 10kg ): 1.200 kr.
M (frá 10.1 til 20kg): 1.500 kr.
L (frá 20.1 til 50kg): 2.500 kr.
XL (> 50kg): 3.000 kr.

Heimsending utan höfuðborgarsvæðisins (póstnr 230>262 /300>902):
S (< 10kg ): 2.500 kr.
M (frá 10.1 til 20kg): 4.500 kr.
L (frá 20.1 til 50kg): 6.500 kr.
XL (> 50kg): 8.500 kr.

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