Fast Delivery. We strive to deliver the product as soon as possible. We have this item on our warehouse in Iceland, and we can deliver on 24 hours in the capital area, or we are shipping the same day if you live out of the capital area. There is no extra cost in the Fast Delivery Service.
This tuna is of the Albacore variety, the finest and rarest quality of tuna. Its flesh is light in colour, which is why it is called white tuna. As soon as the fresh fish arrive at the factory, the heads are removed and the fish are gutted, cleaned and cut into pieces. The flanks that will be used to make the fillets are separated and cooked in broth. Each fillet is then delicately detached by hand, tinned and covered with extra virgin olive oil. This is painstaking work, as the fillets are fragile, and these operations require highly skilled labour. The small Atlantic albacore tuna only yields 3 to 6 tins of fillets per fish. The fillet is the finest part of the tuna, the equivalent of beef fillet or pork tenderloin.
Albert Ménès is a French company recognized for its high quality standard since 1921: exceptional ability to combine ingredients, industrial developments and customer care. Albert Ménès is a leading fine food company, with a catalog of 400 authentic specialties, including spices, jams, and biscuits.
Hints: These tuna fillets can be enjoyed as an appetizer or accompanied by a seasonal salad for a quick, light, refined meal.